Week 17: It’s Happening..

Things are happening…  I feel success coming my way. My disease will be cured.  My business will explode, and I will experience the joy of good health and becoming a philanthropist.  My health has improved enough to enable me to attend a training event last weekend. I drove alone for a 14-hour, 700-mile   round trip.  Just 2 years ago it was an effort to make it from the sofa to the bathroom.  I felt compelled to go (not to the bathroom, to the event LOL.)   The shocking thing was that there was absolutely no traffic the entire time.  It was magical, as if the universe wanted me to actually enjoy the drive which is usually horrific bumper to bumper traffic. My husband ordered satellite radio for me the day before the trip (more kindness appearing in my life.) I had fun listening to oldies, singing, listening to my recorded voice, dancing in my car seat and reciting I can be what I will to be! I felt joy for the first time in ages.

The event was 2 days of corporate tours and training.  While my company has been around for 26 years, they are not yet well known.  While the products have been miraculous for me and tens of thousand of people, they originally marketed to the holistic medical community until 9 years ago.  They are just a bit above ground floor.  The people who persevered and worked hard these past 9 years are all 6 and 7 figure income earners. I know I finally found ‘the place to finish’ after 12 years of grinding it out with so many companies in Network Marketing.  So many people who had retired or just given up have joined me.

When I arrived at the hotel, I checked my email for the agenda.  There was a 4-hour training at the corporation.  Then I saw another email ‘Congratulations, because of your efforts and rank, you have the option of attending a separate meeting with leadership at the hotel.  What? Me? Why? As much as I wanted the product training, I felt like this special invitation was significant.  I walked into the room and felt an amazing electric energy in the air.  There were 300 people at the event and just 18 in this room. The owner and CEO/President, his son the COO, the field 6 and 7 figure earners and me, my sponsor and my friend Eddie.  If I wasn’t a part of this Master Key Experience, I would have been certain a mistake was made by inviting me.

The CEO welcomed us all warmly.  He said he wants to get to know the leadership and future leaders (me!!!!!) I must have cried a half dozen times when I heard their stories of miraculous healings and amazing financial results.  They told us that the company is exploding and growing 27% per month.  Apparently the million-dollar earners have all been doing their own thing as far as building their businesses. They asked us to all join hands, unite and help one another and all of our teams bring this company from being the ‘best kept secret’ to a billion-dollar company and a household name. Things are happening…. and I am ready!

Published by coachdiane27

I’m a work at home, self-employed, freedom fighter helping people find freedom from illness and financial freedom! I spent decades in a loving marriage but in a loveless career. That stressful loveless career affected so many aspects of my life including my health and marriage. The money was great but what good is money with no time to enjoy it? Finally, my husband said I’d rather be broke than have you sick or gone. That was April fool’s day 2003. I wanted to always remember the date that I stopped being a fool in corporate America and had the courage to pursue my dreams. We’ve never looked back. We downsized into a 700-foot dilapidated condo from a beautiful single home that we had built. But we were still happy. My husband worked overtime for years while I tried a multitude of network marketing businesses. Some were legit but the market was saturated, some were Ponzi schemes, some were ‘ground floor’ opportunities that never got off the ground. Eight businesses and 10 years later, we moved 600 miles from our friends and family to beautiful SC. We could afford to live there because the real estate was cheaper and the taxes $8000 cheaper a year. Even though we miss everyone, a big plus is that hubby loves golf and I love warm weather and beaches. I had given up on Network Marketing. In August of 2018 I had a phone call from a friend asking me try something that might help me with my health. I wasn’t interested in the business opportunity or even the product but when I found out there was a 30 day money back guarantee, I tried it because I had nothing to lose. That phone call was a gift from God because my health has improved dramatically, and I finally found the business of my dreams. I’m so grateful to be changing lives by improving people’s health and, if they choose to join me, their wealth. We just designed and built our dream home and I keep pinching myself every time I look around. It is never too late to pursue your dreams. As a junior senior citizen, I’m excited to be working on my next set of dreams and to help others pursue theirs too.

9 thoughts on “Week 17: It’s Happening..

  1. Oh Diane, Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!!! It really is happening because you believe!!! Your invitation to that exclusive meeting is evidence of ‘I can be what I will to be’. You are the evidence!!! So exciting!!!!

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