Week 3 Hey Subby! I’m HEALTHY!

I’ve noticed a difference in my attitude in week 3! Yes, I’m still a bit overwhelmed and fighting with my old blueprint but I’m also getting  hopeful!  I started to get excited as I read and understood MKE part 3.  It was like a light went on in my brain! The power of the subconscious mind is truly amazing and spectacular. In writing my DMP I kept stating that I’ve overcome the symptoms of my illness.  To me that made sense because I was accepting of the fact that it’s incurable, but positive enough to not let it define me.   Conquering the symptoms seemed like a positive dream.  Being symptom free  would create a much better quality of life.  When my guide returned it, I realized my thinking wasn’t positive enough.  I then decided that I would be the ‘first person to be cured of this disease!’ BAM! That should be a winner with my subconscious mind AKA subby! Again, it came back that subby thinks disease is a negative word. Hmmm.  DIS-EASE, yes that could be a big fat negative.  After reading part 3, I had my answer.  Anything is possible! “A knowledge of our ability to consciously RADIATE HEALTH, STRENGTH and harmony will bring us into a realization that there is nothing to fear because we are in touch with INFINITE STRENGTH!” BAM AGAIN!!!!  It’s so simple.  I am healthy PERIOD! Take that subby! I am HEALTHY!!!!!!   

Published by coachdiane27

I’m a work at home, self-employed, freedom fighter helping people find freedom from illness and financial freedom! I spent decades in a loving marriage but in a loveless career. That stressful loveless career affected so many aspects of my life including my health and marriage. The money was great but what good is money with no time to enjoy it? Finally, my husband said I’d rather be broke than have you sick or gone. That was April fool’s day 2003. I wanted to always remember the date that I stopped being a fool in corporate America and had the courage to pursue my dreams. We’ve never looked back. We downsized into a 700-foot dilapidated condo from a beautiful single home that we had built. But we were still happy. My husband worked overtime for years while I tried a multitude of network marketing businesses. Some were legit but the market was saturated, some were Ponzi schemes, some were ‘ground floor’ opportunities that never got off the ground. Eight businesses and 10 years later, we moved 600 miles from our friends and family to beautiful SC. We could afford to live there because the real estate was cheaper and the taxes $8000 cheaper a year. Even though we miss everyone, a big plus is that hubby loves golf and I love warm weather and beaches. I had given up on Network Marketing. In August of 2018 I had a phone call from a friend asking me try something that might help me with my health. I wasn’t interested in the business opportunity or even the product but when I found out there was a 30 day money back guarantee, I tried it because I had nothing to lose. That phone call was a gift from God because my health has improved dramatically, and I finally found the business of my dreams. I’m so grateful to be changing lives by improving people’s health and, if they choose to join me, their wealth. We just designed and built our dream home and I keep pinching myself every time I look around. It is never too late to pursue your dreams. As a junior senior citizen, I’m excited to be working on my next set of dreams and to help others pursue theirs too.

10 thoughts on “Week 3 Hey Subby! I’m HEALTHY!

  1. Love this!! Keep on telling your stubby what you are!! ‘I AM,’ is such a positive statement!! I love the excitement, and ENTHUSIASM in your blog!! Exactly what the subby needs!! Keep up the great work. I look forward to hearing your progress! Peace be your journey.


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